Oars + Alps: Skincare Worthy of Hercules

Oars + Alps: Skincare Worthy of Hercules

I recently had the pleasure of trying out Oars + Alps' Full Kit, which consists of three products: their Natural Deodorant, their Face and Eye Cream, and their Solid Face Wash. Yeah, you read that right - Solid Face Wash. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's start by answering the most basic question - what is Oars + Alps?

Started by co-founders Mia and Laura, Oars + Alps is a men's skincare company that was created as a solution to the skincare problems faced by Mia and Laura's husbands. The name itself, Oars + Alps, was inspired by their husbands' favorite activities - competitive rowing, skateboarding, and skiing. 

Oars + Alps prides itself on products that don't include toxic, chemical ingredients, and instead utilize natural ingredients for the healthiest results. One such ingredient is Alpine Caribou Moss, which is sourced from the Arctic Circle. This lichen acts as an antioxidant, fighting off UV radiation and improving your skin's elasticity. And that's just one example of the carefully-selected ingredients that go into their products. Speaking of which, let's take a look at each of their individual offerings!

.:Natural Deodorant:.

This one's pretty basic - everyone uses deodorant (or at least, I hope everyone uses deodorant). The difference here is that unlike most commercial deodorants, Oars + Alps' version doesn't contain alcohol, aluminum, and other such chemical ingredients. Instead of blocking sweat from escaping your body, like other deodorants do, this one just absorbs it, while the botanical ingredients mask your natural body odor. Seems like a simple enough solution, doesn't it? 

This has become my daily driver in terms of deodorants, and the scent is simultaneously subtle and refreshing. I even brought it along in my dopp kit when I modeled for the MODA Winter Fashion Show, since I knew I was going to be spending at least six hours backstage. At the end of show, I went to one of the bathrooms, re-applied the deodorant, and I was good to hit up the after-party at The Underground. That counts as a win in my book!

.:Face and Eye Cream:.

Next up, we've got the dual-purpose face moisturizer and eye cream. With beneficial ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil, and aloe leaf, this stuff keeps your skin feeling hydrated, without being overly greasy or thick on your face. 

It applies smoothly, and absorbs quickly into the skin, and its scent is muted enough so as not to be overbearing. One nice thing about the moisturizer is that it can be applied after shaving as well, so on days when I shaved, this simply replaced my aftershave lotion, which saved me from having to apply twice the product!

.:Solid Face Wash:.

Last but not least, what's probably the most unique product in the line-up: Oars + Alps' Solid Face Wash, or as it says on the product itself, the "Power Cleansing Face Stick." Formulated with activated charcoal, this stuff is basically a face wash in a solid form, which definitely comes in handy for the active traveler - no more worrying about leakages! It works by first rubbing the stick all over your face, then applying thin layers of water to activate the charcoal. Once activated, you'll feel the grittiness of the charcoal on your face. Rub your skin, allowing the product to exfoliate it, then rinse everything off and pat dry. This leaves your skin feeling clean and refreshed, and ready for an application of Oars + Alps' face moisturizer. 

.:Final Verdict:.

Oars + Alps' products are definitely geared toward the active man, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't take advantage of their natural formulations. I'm no Hercules, but this stuff has definitely come in handy for me. I've already lost counts of the mornings where I've woken up a mere a half hour before work, and don't even have time for a quick shower. On days like that, it's a simple 1-2-3 process: face stick, then face moisturizer, and finally deodorant, and just like that, I'm ready for the day ahead. 

Featured image by Jonathan Lim. All other images courtesy of Oars + Alps.

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